Text Box: Evaporative Loss Control for Automobiles
Bonded carbon extrudates  can also be used for capturing gasoline vapors during the fueling and operation of an automobile. The evaporative loss control device (ELCD) is dust free and prevents contamination of the fuel injection system during the desorption cycle. Furthermore the ELCD canister can be oriented in any position in the vehicle and no settling of the adsorbent carbon will occur.

Air Freshener for Tobacco Smoke
A novel  air freshener  has been developed  which is very effective for removing stale air from tobacco smoke. Shown on the right, the small room filter, sets on the floor and air is circulated through it with a small fan. A circular slab of activated carbon efficiently removes the smoke returning the room to a fresh state in an hour or so.
Bonded Mixed Media 
The combination of carbon with KMnO4 impregnated molecular sieve finds application in greenhouses to keep flowers fresh. By removing ethylene from the atmosphere, the aging process is stopped, keeping  flowers fresh for days longer. Fruit ripening can also be controlled by removing trace amounts of ethylene from the air and then adding it when it is time for green tomatoes to ripen and turn red.

Drinking Water Filters
 An annular water filter has been developed which combines the functions of sediment  filtration with removal of trace contaminants. These filters fit in the standard 10 inch and 5 inch cartridge holders. 
  Other Applications
Paint booths to capture solvent vapors
Computer chip manufacture in clean rooms
Hospital operating rooms
Cabin air in automobiles, ships, submarines, aircraft, and  tanks

To contact us:

Phone: 352-505-0095

Cell: 630-987-0018

Email: kkrob@megacarbon.com